Thursday, February 18, 2010

2010 Trio Package Program Objectives

The Trio Package registration deadline is drawing near. You only have 10 days left. The offer expires on March 1, 2010.

If you need more help to decide on whether this deal is appropriate for you, review the following program objectives.

Leadership & Organizational Development: Creating a High Performing Team (April 30, 2010):

  • Reinforce the skills necessary for creating and sustaining a high performing team.
  • Define the impact of goal setting and the value of personal action plans.
  • Identify the barriers, internal and external, that can derail individuals or teams.
  • Explore the daily challenges facing leaders in today's workplace.
  • Examine the importance of setting expectations and performance standards.
  • Integrate the power of feedback, giving and receiving, in creating a high performing organization.
  • Create personal actions to integrate performance management behaviors into your leadership style and daily employee interactions

The Case of the Teflon Trainee: Overcoming Obstacles to Make Training Stick (July 9, 2010):

  • Develop a transfer of training mindset for employees, supervisors, and trainers.
  • Identify the obstacles that prevent training from transferring back to the job.
  • Implement relapse-prevention strategies.

Training on Trial (November 5, 2010):

  • Obtain practical methods that will move you from a "checkmark training organization" to a strategic business partner.
  • Use the Kirkpatrick Business Partnership Model to create a compelling Chain of Evidence showing the value of training to a "corporate jury."
  • Identify the key metrics that are important to the business and how you can support them.
  • Apply the material to a real training challenge in a group activity.

Register for your Trio Package today at

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Most Innovative Training Solution - CDS Global

Ruth Anderson and her team from CDS Global speak on their WLP Presentation on their Most Innovative Training Solution.

Technology WLP Winner - Nationwide Learning Solutions

Carol Dawson speaks on Nationwide Learning Solutions' WLP presentation on Technology.

Coaching and Mentoring Programs

Winner Debbie Ladehoff from Farmers Mutual Hail speaks on their presentation for Coaching and Mentoring Programs.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Interview with Jen Goemann at the WLP Awards

Winner Jen Goemann from ARAG summarizes their breakout presentation on Training as a Business Strategy.

2010 Trio Package - Hurry, Time Is Running Out to Register

The 2010 Trio Package is now available.

Offer will expire on March 1, 2010

You can use the trio package in one of the following ways:
  • Attend all three yourself.
  • Rotate among your department the person who attends.
  • Gift a program to a client or to an employee as a reward.

Act now to take advantage of the following discounts:

  • $245.00 (Members)
  • $330.00 (Non Members)
  • Get two-in-one. If you need to renew your membership, simple register as a "non member" and you can add a free membership on to your registration.

You can find more information about the "Trio Package" on the ASTD Central Iowa Chapter website: